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Software Development Methodologies: Waterfall VS Agile

Today’s software development utilizes many methodologies to facilitate building applications and software solutions. we've Waterfall, Agile, Design Thinking, or Lean Startup also as their combinations and variations. What are the principles of those methodologies? How do they support software development? Let’s explore the differences between the Waterfall methodology and a combined approach that has Design Thinking, Lean Startup, and Agile.


The Waterfall approach to software development describes a sequential process for building software—i.e., one step has got to be completed before subsequent can begin.

In the Waterfall methodology, the project scope, outcome, and requirements are documented fully before any development begins. The documents, among many other aspects, include functional specifics, interface s, architecture, arrangement.

The traditional Waterfall project structure is split into six phases:

Requirements and analysis. Collect client requirements about the merchandise. The knowledge collected during this phase should be enough to validate the merchandise idea and let developers grasp the client’s intended vision of the merchandise. the subsequent is established: budget, risks, completion date, dependencies, and success metrics.

Design. Agree on a programming language, specific design elements, system design. Documents produced during this phase are going to be the framework for the implementation (coding) phase.

Implementation. Turn client requirements and style documents into the software.

Testing. Test the software for bugs and check if the goals from the wants document are met.

Deployment. Release the software to the client.

Maintenance. Fix any problems found once the software has been released to the purchasers.


  • Better manageability. Because each step is documented and deliverables outlined upfront, it’s easier to manage the project.

  • Fixed price and deadline. The value and delivery date are often determined with a high degree of accuracy.

  • Clear instructions. Developers and designers involved in the project know exactly what to try and when to try to do it. With detailed documentation available, the project is often completed by different teams.


  • Once the event begins, it’s difficult to adapt the project to any changes in requirements or new market insights. Whenever significant changes are needed, the project has got to undergo the need and style phases.

  • Requirements don’t always reflect real user needs.

  • Because users receive the software on just one occasion it’s finished, it’s difficult to collect any actionable feedback beforehand and adjust the merchandise to raise align with user needs. This increases the danger of project failure caused by a possible lack of market need or low satisfaction.

  • Projects counting on technologies that have frequent release-cycles got to be updated often to reflect the changes. As a result, the estimations in the documentation are going to be less accurate.

Agile Software Development

Agile development describes the process of developing software. The Agile methodology was created to form software development more efficient and versatile compared to the normal Waterfall methodology.

In the Agile approach, the software is built-in parts (fully working pieces with a database, user interface, business logic). Testing and development happen concurrently as against the linear approach in Waterfall. The core assumption is to release new products faster and introduce modifications counting on user feedback.

The assumptions of Agile development:

  • Communication. Agile teams discuss daily to align on goals and reflect on past tasks to hunt improvement.

  • Adaptive approach. Unexpected changes within the project are introduced swiftly, helping gear the merchandise toward end-users.

  • Collaboration. Frequent collaboration with customers to seek out areas for improvement within the product.

  • The software may be a priority. Deliver a working version of the software early and continuously.

  • Self-organizing teams. Developers compute their Agile-based methodology that takes into consideration project context, time, and their skillset to determine the foremost efficient way of developing software.

  • Cross-platform developers. Teams have all the required skills to create software products that deliver customer value.

  • Inspect and adapt. Continuous improvement of workflows and processes within a team.

  • agile_illustration


  • Faster time-to-market.

  • Quick implementation of the latest project requirements.

  • High-quality software. Bugs and errors are caught early because applications are built iteratively and each iteration is tested.

  • Increased productivity through stress on collaboration and communication.

  • Smaller documentation. The main target is on building working software.


  • Risk of poor documentation. Project documentation isn’t often a high-priority item in Agile development and may be neglected, making it difficult for brand spanking new team members to urge up to hurry with a project.
  • Projects can become chaotic if teams and project managers aren’t skilled in Agile development.
  • It is often difficult to estimate delivery dates because the project can change during development.
  • In the combined approach, the Agile methodology is employed to make a minimum viable product (MVP)—a fully working version of an application with minimum features built to gather insight and refine future iterations.